RIverside City College Honor Bands
Tribute to John Philip Sousa Honor Band
Grades 10,11 12
Kevin A. Mayse, Conductor
Alex Iles, guest trombone soloist
March 16, 21 and 23
All events are hosted at the RCC Henry W Coil Sr and Alice Edna Coil School for the Arts
3890 University Ave Riverside, CA 92501
Application Deadline
Friday February 28th
Application can be found here
Audition requirements can be found here
This year, all students must submit a video audition on or before February 28th. Video links should be entered in the application as youtube links. No other format will be accepted. Please make sure they are public videos
Rehearsal Dates Sunday March 16- 9am – 1pm
Friday March 21 – 6pm – 9pm
Sunday March 23 – 2pm – 3:30pm
If the student is selected for participation, they will be expected to attend all rehearsals. They will also be asked to bring a $40 participation fee. Cash or checks made out to RCC only. No credit card payments will be accepted.
Performance Date
Sunday March 21
2pm- 3:30pm Dress Rehearsal
4pm Concert
Ticket are $10 adults and $8 students and seniors
Tickets are available at https://rccboxoffice.com/rccmusic/
Due to the number of applicants last year, there will be 2 honor bands this year
The Application will be available soon
Audition requirements will be available soon
Video audition submission deadline is May 2nd
Grade 6, 7, 8 and 9
Kevin A. Mayse, Conductor
Rich Gordon, Jeanne Christensen, and Susan Willmering, Guest Conductors
Rehearsals May 17 10 am – 4 pm and May 18 12pm-1:30 pm or 4pm-5:30pm
Concerts May 18 at 2 pm or 6pm
All events are hosted at the RCC Henry W Coil Sr. and Alice Edna Coil School for the Arts
3890 University Ave Riverside, CA 92501
All students will prepare a video audition consisting excerpts and scales
If the student is selected for participation, they will be expected to attend every rehearsal. They will also be asked to bring a $40.00 participation fee. Cash or check only Please make checks payable to RCC. This fee will include all costs including lunch (pizza) on the 17th
Tickets to the concerts will be available at the door or online at https://rccboxoffice.com/rccmusic/
$10 general admission and $8 students and seniors.
Tribute to King Karl King and Henry Fillmore Honor Bands
Grades 6,7,8,9